How to change your Brain? - Meditation

Amygdala is a structure in the brain responsible for fear, anger and stress🤯
When we are stressed, our adrenals secret more cortisol. The same cortisol increases the size of the amygdala and makes it more reactive.
The overactive amygdala hijacks the rational brain. 🧠
Stress can cause overeating and because the amygdala is in charge, the neocortex cannot control your impulsive behaviour.
Ok, so how to “calm down” your amygdala and give more control to the rational brain 🧠?
Mindfulness meditation is associated with lower amygdala activity.
Mindfulness can be some sort of buffer against stress. Thanks to meditation/mindfulness training you can lessen the reactivity of the amygdala and increase “top-down stress regulation”.
👉Then you have a better ability to cope with stress and situations involving food.
Instead of emotionally overeating after a stressful day, you can make healthier decisions that are coming from your rational brain (prefrontal cortex) rather than from the amygdala.
I hope that you enjoy my HOLISTIC approach to DIET and LIFESTYLE 😊
📝 Note: This is a suggestion from a Neuro-nutritionist.
#Neuroscience  #Brain


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